Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spotted @ MarketWatch

Eeek, another pundit pontificating on Microsoft Mesh. I read some things that struck a chord and had to chime in. Some of the comments are insightful and John does make some good points even if they are surrounded by a lot of hot air...

I probably would have granted him more respect for this opinions had he not knocked Lotus Notes. (maybe I'm being a bit defensive here...)

If you don't care to read the whole thing, the best part is a new rule for journalists/analysts that I am campaigning for...

On that note, I propose a new rule for all analysts/journalists.

When writing an article, paper, or blog entry about a product with a buzzword in it's name, you should not utilize other buzzwords from that column on your current years buzzword bingo card.

Doing so only confuses people you are trying to impart wisdom upon at the risk of making you sound like a technological hack or worse marketing flunky (if the writing is in favor of the product or paradigm).

Link: The Microsoft mesh mess

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