Friday, July 20, 2007

DC Comics 2.0

Offering a new on-ramp to comic artist fame is DC Comics who is promoting it's new brand - Zuda Comics. Zuda Comics is a web based serialized comics platform with a targeted launch date of October. Some of the work will be available in print as well.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out for DC who is appealing to artists by offering contracts for those whose work they feel is worthy, and opportunities for others to get entered into an on-line competition for a contract. In the competition, site visitors vote to decide who the winner is. Zuda has stated that the artists will be able to retain copyright of their own material, but have not shown any actual contracts as of yet.

One aspect of this affair that is causing some lamenting is the fact that Zuda is (at this time) looking only for "print ready" comics. Meaning no flash, no animation, no sound, etc. None of the possibilities that a digital platform can provide.

Sidenote: I thought I was doing good in blogging about something other than IBM or Google, however a Zuda press release mentions IBM's role in this venture.

DC Comics has chosen IBM Global Business Services to design and build the new site. The site will embrace leading Web 2.0 technologies such as blogging, commenting, rating and tagging to encourage maximum community participation and feedback on artists' submissions.
Psst, IGS folks working on this.... Web 2.0 and you are adding updates on the home page? We are ready for the feed :) (jk)

Link : Zuda Comics

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Google Gears Up for the Enterprise

Google is expanding it's enterprise offerings by open sourcing a tool that will allow administrators to sync corporate directories with Google Apps. While interesting I know I personally feel sharing corporate directory information with a third party in this manner would still be a very large security concern.

There is still a lot of benefit to getting the code open sourced and improved and expanded upon. It will be a great boon to technology implementors when Google has gotten to the point where they are delivering Google Apps functionality via appliances like their current Google Mini.

Link : Our Directory is Your Directory

Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Features

I am playing around with the blog layout somewhat to take advantage of the new polls feature (one up already) in Blogger, as well as integrating my shared rss entries from Google Reader.

The Google Reader feed is the one that I really enjoy. There are a lot of times I'd like to bring attention to something I've read, but don't want to color the readers opinion with my own, and therefore don't want to blog about the content itself, and also don't want to have a blog entry with nothing more than a link and a elevator pitch on why you should read it.

There are other services (google and otherwise) I will be integrating into the blog as well. I'm not sure if all of them will pan out, but this is a technological experiment for me as much as it is an opportunity to share my thoughts. With that in mind please feel free to send me any "private" questions, comments, concerns or other feedback at

Hope you like the new items on the page, look for more in the near future as well as more frequent posts.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Project Zero - IBM Experiment In Collaboration

Thanks to Mac Guidera's for pointing out Project Zero, an IBM incubator project that raises some interesting questions, and hopefully will help simplify the lives of web developers.

First it's goals, from the about page

Project Zero has two, somewhat conflicting, goals of providing a powerful development and execution platform for modern web applications while at the same time having the overall experience be radically simple.

Secondly the manner in which the project leads are looking to build the platform.
This community is an experiment in a new way to build commercial software, an approach we are currently calling Community-Driven Commercial Development.

The goals is one that is hard to argue against. Who doesn't want development to be more efficient?

The manner in which the platform is being built isn't entirely out in left field either. A lot of open source software has been community driven development. It is the word commercial that gives it a twist. So being a community, how does one contribute?

(from the Project Zero FAQ emphasis mine)

Can I contribute to Project Zero?
IBM is following a Community Driven Commercial Development process for Project Zero. Contributions in the form of feedback are welcome and encouraged from everyone. As the Zero Community grows, there will be a facility to share reusable components (libraries, widgets, services, etc.) for the benefit of the community members and Project Zero. Contributions to the Zero Core are limited to approved IBM committers. Others may propose changes to the Zero Core, but the changes must be approved and committed by IBM. All intellectual property on such suggestions is owned by IBM.

I haven't had time to give the project site or technology a solid review however what I did see I found interesting enough to recommend that others take a look around and form their own opinions on both the technology and the way IBM is investing (and offering a chance for you to make a donation) in Project Zero's growth.

Link : Mac Guidera's blog.
Link : Project Zero

Monday, July 2, 2007

How To Take Notes

A new Manager Tools podcast is out today. In typical Manager Tools fashion there is an easy to implement plan to get wayward note takers back on track.

I'll defer to the podcast itself and not list the 6 steps. If you feel you could benefit from a fresh perspective on the practice of taking notes you are best served listening to the entire podcast.

My crib notes- Less writing, more action.

Link :Manager Tools - How to Take Notes